Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Draft Q of L Letter re:Cardiac Arrest


Dear Mr. Leggett,

The County Executive’s Recommended Fiscal Year 2012 (FY12) operating budget submitted to the County Council on March 15, 2011 included a recommended FY12 Operating Budget for the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS). Among five listed accomplishments and initiatives for the MCFRS was the following:

“Instituted Neuroprotective Hypothermia Protocol for EMS patients, which will help to increase survivability rates for cardiac arrest patients.”

The Mid-County Citizens Advisory Board (MCCAB) would appreciate answers to the following questions:

What is the current survivability rate for cardiac arrest patents treated by MCFRS?

What is the anticipated increase in survivability as a result of the Neuroprotective Hypothermia Protocol?

As stated in three previous letters (attached), the MCCAB continues to feel that the establishment of EMS patient outcome measures, such as EMS patient survival from sudden cardiac arrest, will contribute to improved performance by the MCFRS. The MCCAB is encouraged that the recommended FY12 operating budget and the MCFRS FY10 Performance Plan made reference to EMS patient outcome measures. To improve transparency and accountability the MCCAB urges the County Executive to post cardiac arrest survivability rates to CountyStat and the Montgomery County Government website.


Cc: Council President