Thursday, July 21, 2011

DRAFT FY 13-FY 18 Capital Improvement Priorities


The Honorable Isiah Leggett
County Executive
101 Monroe Street
Rockville, Maryland 20850

Dear County Executive Leggett:

I am pleased to transmit the Mid-County Citizens Advisory Board (MCCAB) Capital Improvements Program priority list in advance of my August 23rd meeting with you.

I look forward to meeting with you on August 23rd and the opportunity to discuss the MCCAB’s list with you in person.


Gamunu Wijetunge, Chair

FY 13-FY 18 Capital Improvement Priorities
Mid-County Citizens Advisory Board
July 19, 2011

Implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) – The MCCAB has previously voiced support for BRT between Glenmont and Olney via Georgia Avenue and Wheaton and Rockville via Veirs Mill Road.

Wheaton Redevelopment – coordination of all Wheaton Projects to go through the Wheaton Redevelopment Program and the Mid-County Regional Center. All County-funded projects should be vetted and coordinated through the appropriate Regional Center.

Grade separated interchange at Georgia Avenue/Randolph Road – keep project at top of County’s priority list.

Fire Station #18 Relocation – keep construction on schedule in preparation for Georgia Ave./Randolph Rd. grade separation project.

Combined Wheaton Library/Community Recreation Center – continue to work with the community throughout the design and construction process.

Olney Multi-Function County and Community Services Center -

Kemp Mill Urban Park – expedite renovation of the Kemp Mill Urban Park

Olney Town Commons/Green Space – include a pavilion and suitable accommodations for the Olney Farmers Market

CIP Process Review – review current procedures for capital project design, procurement and construction management for greater efficiency.

School capacity should be below 105% - There is concern about overcrowding in Mid-County region schools

Redevelopment/revitalization of Glenmont Shopping Center – Create public-private partnership to incentivize, make economically attractive, provide redevelopment credit to owners. Attract better store to shopping center, rid area of vagrants, better markings in parking lot for traffic flow.