Sunday, June 20, 2010

pedestrian safety

December 22, 2009

The Honorable Isiah Leggett
County Executive
101 Monroe Street
Rockville, Maryland 20850

Dear Mr. Leggett:

The Mid-County Citizens Advisory Board (MCCAB) endorses the County’s efforts to increase awareness of pedestrian safety through its “Pedestrian Safety Program” and its participation with the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board’s “Street Smart 2009 Campaign.” The MCCAB believes that an effective, proactive awareness campaign can help to reduce what should be avoidable accidents and possible injuries and minimize the resources necessary to engage in enforcement activities and the related costs of enforced compliance.

The MCCAB believes that the major participants targeted by these campaigns -- pedestrians, drivers and bikers -- should all be aware, alert, respectful and accountable. As Montgomery County residents, we literally need to look out for each other. And while most of us are safe (on the roads, on sidewalks, bike paths and in parking lots) and are quite capable of looking out for ourselves, we need to recognize that there are some residents who are at a higher risk for pedestrian collision. This includes young children, seniors, those in various age groups who may have special needs and those from other countries who are unfamiliar with our traffic patterns - they need us to be on the lookout for them.

We look forward to monitoring these two very important campaigns and are hopeful to see successful results on an on-going basis.


Sheldon Fishman

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